This website has a variety of information about anti-psychotic and antidepressant drugs.
The purpose is to assist service users, carers and health and social care practitioners in achieving a fuller understanding of the impact of medication than is commonly taught in under-graduate and post-graduate university courses.
The Health and Social Care Practitioners Mental Health Information Series has down loadable pdf's. The range includes antidepressant and antipsychotic medications and how these drugs are absorbed the body, 'schizophrenia' history past and present treatments and successful treatments without psychaitric drugs.
An overview is provided in how antipsychotics impact in the brain and various systems of the body; reasons are then offered why specific antipsychotics side effects occur. However, like a jigsaw, to get the full picture, the information is better read and re-read in order that the pieces fit into place and make sense together.
The site is primarily based on information and research from international journals, books and articles. It also contains the writer's personal subjective perspective resulting from experiences within the UK mental health system.
The Carer and Patient Mental Health Series is similar to the Health and Social Care Practitioners Mental Health Series; the pdf's are formated diffferently and the series contains movies.